Mission Statement
National Historic Landmarks are historic properties that illustrate the heritage of the United States. Today, just over 2,500 historic places bear this national distinction, 39 of which reside in Michigan. The National Historic Landmarks program serves to protect the historic character of the properties, and ensures that the stories of nationally important historic events, places, or persons are recognized and preserved for the benefit of all citizens.
Being under the administration of the National Park Service, the National Historic Landmarks program and all of the benefits it provides are subject to federal and state legislation. President Donald Trump has recently proposed the National Park Service budget, and the National Park Service has recently submitted their Budget Justifications.
There is no better time to advocate for the preservation of Michigan’s National Historic Landmarks than now. Michigan’s rich and vibrant history speaks to many of us, and now is the time for us to speak on its behalf. Join the conversation to Save MI History.
Every week from October to December, a National Historic Landmark of Michigan will be featured, to bring public awareness to their presence, historic significance, and beauty. Throughout this project, citizens will be encouraged to sign an online petition, voicing the importance of Michigan’s National Historic Landmarks, which will be submitted to Michigan’s legislatures this December.